Back from 'net vacation
Hurray! Now, I've got high-speed Internet access. Yes, but I may not blog or edit Wikipedia often since we're still busy setting up, learning, and developing at Kneaver.
If I were to give a mini-update of what happened all these days, hmm ... where do I start? The withdrawal effects of net abstinence? The phantom limb that kept looking for the Yahoo! identity card in my pockets? The urge to look for my friends to discuss recently-heard trivia on "Dhaavanik Kanavugal", to discuss the future of Indian economy (as if we're Manmohan and Montek!), to mutually inflict goose bumps by talking about Cantor, or to rant about geopolitics?
Or the deservedly silent nights here in Sholavandan? The exposition of Tyndall effect in full glory over fields with paddy crop lollypopping dew drops? The sight of the full moon reflected on River Vaigai running in full spate? The myriad of things that I learn at Kneaver everyday?
I need a better medium to capture them all — some sort of a brain dump.
I can give a quick intro of Kneaver. It's a technology startup in Knowledge Management space. The unusual thing about Kneaver is that its founder, Bruno Winck, chose to have the India development centre in Madurai, and not in any of the metros. A French guy heading an American company setting up the India Development centre in Madurai; the world is getting flat, indeed.
I need a better medium to capture them all — some sort of a brain dump.
I recommend kalippa. :-)
Seriously, that description of Sholavandanam would make an excellent ullurai uvamam for an akattinai poem.
"Tell me friend, in this lush fertile land
where the light of the full moon
shines in the tiny dew drops
clinging to thin blades of paddy
can a heart like mine contain such love
without bursting asunder?"
Wonderful! A perfect match, I'd say. Can you give me the original Tamil poem?
My hearty wishes for your Engineer to Entrepreneur transformation.
Thanks for the wishes, Rajesh.
WikiCamp has been fixed at Chennai on Feb 25th
More information here at
It would be great if you can attend and talk about your tamil wikipedia expereince.
Also, can you please spread the word to other wikipedians please.
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