Of bamboos and rats!
Mautam (த) is an extra-ordinary cyclical ecological phenomenon that happens in Mizoram. Once in 48 years, a particular species of Bamboo flowers here and, for reasons unclear yet, giant bandicoots start multiplying like hell. Understandably, this results in famine and plague. It seems Mautam has had a big influence on the political history of the region itself. It's being viewed with enough seriousness that the Indian Army has been pressed into service to combat rats!
Interesting. Following the links there:
Woefully little information there though :-(
Wikipedia grows like a fractal curve, there'll always be a number of articles that need improvement.
BTW, your blog is throwing popups, some iLead.itrack garbage. Its getting past even Opera and FF's pop-up blockers. Probably due to the nedstat counter on your blog
Oh, let me fix it tomorrow. The other day blogexplosion was throwing popups to Ananth and I had to remove it.
Ambar, check now and confirm. I've removed nedstatic. If it still remains, it could be blogrolling.
Sundar, yella ok now.
Anyway, blogrolling is kinda trustworthy. Never seen it do anything bogus.
Oh ok.
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