Friday, February 17, 2006

An answer to Kamal Hasan's wager

I remember Kamal Hasan sarcastically posing a wager to a girl in a Tamil movie asking, in response to her assertion that men and women are equal, if women can pee on a wall standing upright. This seems to be a reply.

Disclaimer: I do not mean any insult to women. This post is meant to be plain fun.


Blogger Praveer said...

Just thinking about the navigation tree whose leaf is that page !

February 17, 2006 2:38 pm  
Blogger Sundar said...

Oh, you mean the navigation path. Let me do a full disclosure before people come to a million conclusions. To increase traffic to my blog and thereby get a few cents more on Ad Sense, I joined They've created an economy of blogviews and the currency is the credits that they regulate! (More about it later.) I was surfing random blogs to gain more credits and chanced upon (warning:mild nudity, not profanity) which linked me to the leaf page.

February 17, 2006 2:50 pm  

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